Children love stories-especially those they write themselves. Bookmaking Bonanza includes more than 50 resesarch-based, classroom-tested bookmaking activities that expand writing time into a literacy adventure! Students will transform empty cereal boxes, paper napkins, cardboard tubes, and other household objects into books that explore the five critical areas of balanced reading instruction.
Bookmaking Bonanza capitalizes on children's imaginations and their talent for pretending to help them develop fundamental reading and writing skills. Use this resource to help children transform empty cereal boxes, paper napkins, and other household objects into books that explore the five critical areas of balanced reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.
Bookmaking Bonanza features 51 different research-based, classroom-tested activities that teach basic skills, reinforce reading strategies, and motivate beginning readers and writers to do their best work. Children are encouraged to express their creativity as they practice one-to-one correspondence, left-to-right orientation, top-to-bottom orientation, letter formation, using picture clues, and chunking. They will also explore literacy concepts such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, rhyme, and sentence structure, and cross-curricular skills in math and science.
Children love stories-especially those they write themselves. Bookmaking Bonanza gives you the tools to expand writing time into a literacy adventure.